Thursday, December 13, 2012

Slooooow Going

The irrigation project continues to rock and roll.  Literally rock in this case.  We strive to install roughly 20 heads per day if possible.  The first two days on Hole 3 were slowed by striking old ductile iron main line pipe several times.  The effort requires digging up around the pipe large enough to get a saw in place, cut the old pipe out, cap it to reduce the chance it floods and seeps water out later on, and then repair the area and continue on.

This process happened 4 times on Tuesday.  We thought the worst was over when we happened upon the left side of three around 220 yards from the green.  Rock... lots and lots of rock.  The twenty head rule was thrown out the window and we managed around 20 feet of pipe installed.  We knew we would encounter some issues along the way, but this illustrates the difficulty in accurately predicting when we will finish.   Although we are roughly on schedule to be done by the end of March, many issues including weather still remain in our path.  In addition many months of follow up work, to level valves, repair settled lines and general clean up will still be required once done.

We look forward to the day when everyone has vacated the site and we can resume normal operations, but until then, keep you eyes out for bumps and holes and check back here for any updates.

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