Monday, July 22, 2013

One more record......

Well what started out as a sleeper of a summer has moved in with the swiftness of a thunderstorm.  We as turf managers are always concerned with the whole process of weather.  The early and constant rains, left most of us unable to treat turf for disease and the understanding that the root systems would struggle to breathe under all that water.  The heat that has set in was more than our turf systems could tolerate.

As simple as it may sound, the urge to throw a water at the hot conditions was not the right approach.  The balance between turf that is wilting and the potential for cooking the roots with water that will not evaporate and only heat up as the day progresses is a fine line.  Both prospects are really asking which way do you prefer to have turf suffer.  We always try to advantage roots since they are required for recovery when the conditions relent.

As a side note we hit soil temperatures of 100 degrees at 2 inches deep on 3 consecutive days.  In soil physiology terms, roots die beyond 90, so as much as we try, there is no beating nature when she gets on a roll.

Whether you believe in global warming or some form of climate change there is no denying that the cycle we are in has greater swings compared to past years.  The article below helps put in perspective how the records have been piling up.  These swings are why we are starting to use Bermuda grass on tee surfaces and many in the area are even considering bermuda fairways.

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