Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A big Thank You

I know most of us are longing for some spring time weather and the feel of the warm sun on our faces.  It has been a long time since we have opened our windows and let the fresh air in, no matter if it's your house , your car or just your lungs.

Since this is not the case,  and it continues to snow, I want to take this opportunity to recognize my team and the incredible job they have done this winter to clear the snow after every storm.  These men have braved every storm,  navigated crusty roads and snarled traffic to get here early and stay late to plow, shovel and scrape our campus clean.  Most of our staff do not live nearby, drive SUV's or even have the latest North Face gear, yet they continue to arrive as best as they can and work hard to get the club open.  I can attest it is cold hard work, and most times the next day or two your back and body aches but they continue to smile and work together to get the job done.

What we lack in perfection, we make up in hard honest work to get the best job done under the circumstances.  The picture below shows us enjoying a nice, very cold day, but I can assure you the 3 am call to arms and frigid biting winds these guys have endured tells more than one picture can convey.  Thanks to them for their dedication and hard work.  They are the unsung heroes of this winter and continue to show up and put their best foot forward to improve this club every day they arrive.

My deepest gratitude to Ronald, Daniel (Tony), Johnny, Marcello, Pedro, Rimberte, Javier, Jose, Marco, Victor, Jorge, Dino, Daniel, Augusto, Salas, Angel and of course Trevor, who plans everything and Rick our mechanic to help keep things running and organized.

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