Monday, September 8, 2014

A beautiful start, then watch out for the downhill!

It was a glorious start to the day.  It is a wonderful place to be early in the morning as the sun rises over the 2nd green

As the sun rose we began to notice a few things that I want to alert you to as you play the course.  As I mentioned the downhill in the title is the one on the 8th hole.  When we make decisions as to determining the cart path rule, many assume it is just the very lowest areas that are affected.  Well recently we have seen a large increase in cart damage to the 8th hole.

As you can see above and below, long skids have torn the turf from the ground.  This not only impacts all the players, but is very difficult to remedy.  Bentgrass must be stripped and sodded, this results in mowing issues and playability issues.  Staked areas are then in play, carts continue to travel over the sod and in general it makes the aesthetics and playability poor overall.

We may have to resort to staking off the hill to all cart traffic if we cannot control this abuse.  Please exercise caution when starting down the hill, avoid sharp turns and lightly tap the brakes.  Use just as much caution when trying to climb the hill.  Many times you may not notice the tires spinning as you try to gain traction in your attempt to get back to your partners ball.  I recommend travelling down the rough until you are at the bottom of the hill then crossing the fairway at a 90 degree angle over to your ball.

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