Sunday, May 15, 2016

Trials and Tribulations

If you have used the chipping green in the last 6 months you may have noticed several odd patches of turf.  Some look like they were burned, others off color.  We have been conducting trials with Virginia Tech looking at various combination products for the elimination of poa annua and poa trivial is on putting greens and fairways.

The trial on the chipping green was looking at 7 different products or combinations of products, replicated 3 times.  These trials at golf courses under real world conditions help the university as well as the industry understand how these products work from year to year and area to area.  We hope to be able to continue research work with VT to gain valuable insight into product development and programs that may benefit us in the future.

The fairway trial on 13 was looking at Poa Trivialis eradication and elimination.  The goal to to find the best method to slowly eliminate this weed, and/or provide a method to keep populations low so that normal practices can prevent it's spread.  One of the results has been how different varieties of the species react, since not all the Poa is identical.  Seems odd, but some are affected more in the fall than the spring, while others did not see any effect from the applications.

The picture above is not a test plot, but a plea.  We placed these signs at the top of 8 fairway to attempt to get your attention to the slope ahead and to protect the turf on the slope.  We ask that you avoid the steep section of the fairway in your cart and use the rough until you get to the flatter areas at the bottom.   Too  many times we have repaired this area due to carts going directly over the top and then applying brakes to stop at their ball but skidding and damaging turf.  Like all areas on the course, we ask that you try to be mindful of other members using the course and prevent potential damage when possible.

We often see carts cross this boundary and simply drive around the stakes.  We do not wish to rope off the entire hill as that is not only unattractive, but time consuming for staff to setup and remove.  Please ask those in your group to observe the stakes and preserve this fairway for all to enjoy.

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