Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sandy and the Lake

Well again we have another weather event that nature throws our way..... Sandy.  Although it could have been much worse, it still packed a wallop and hopefully was the final punch to a stressful year.  Kind of like the children's tale,  Earthquakes,  Derachos, and Hurricanes.. Oh my!  Here at the club we had winds that peaked around 50 mph and the rain gages averaged around 7.2 inches.

This combination with leaves and limbs has made a mess of the course.  We lost one white pine between the 7th and 8th hole and created a new lake behind the 14th green.  While pretty to look at is still is not enough to water the golf course.

We are diligently working to open the course with playable conditions.  Many times in events like this the view from the club is beautiful, but the unseen holes are a mess.  Most likely when we open the bunkers will still be washed out.  Decisions are made on where to spend man-hours and the removal of leaves, limbs and water are more important.  I would rather make it easier to find a ball by working on leaves than spend two full days raking bunkers.

We are always sorry when we have to close the course to play and we don't take it lightly.  We hope the efforts put forth by the staff will result in an enjoyable round of golf than a frustration in ball hawking.  In the future we would like to rebuild the bunkers with a material that will significantly reduce the time spent repairing bunkers after events like this and thunderstorms, but that topic is for another day.

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