Thursday, November 15, 2012

Work on 3 Continues

Last year we started the clearing out of the hillside to the right of the 3rd hole.  This process will take a few years to clean out all the unwanted vegitation and vines that populated this area.  While we continue to clean that up with the hopes of planting some flowering trees, we have begun to improve the creekside.  We removed the vines and poison ivy and have sodded a low input grass called fine fescue.

It requitres very little fertilizer or water and likes shady environments.  We don't need to mow it but a few times a year.  It should grow around 6 inches but flow over and cover the slope. This new variety that we have planted is roundup tolerant, so we can hopefully manage weeds a little easier.  If this works in this location, look for us to follow up and try to establish this turf along many more of our creek banks in the future.

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